Day 178 on 365 cards was to make a card with a Back to School theme. I made an iris folded green apple (love those Granny Smith's) using paper from the Circle of Crafter's website. I used stickers that I had laying around. It looks like it needs something more. I haven't done any iris folding in awhile so it seemed like that consumed alot of time on this card. I guess I'm going to have to start doing more of them. The Circle of Crafter's website is wonderful if you want to start iris folding or teabag folding.
You have been busy, haven't done Iris Folding in ages. Great card.
I have allllways wanted to try this technique - it looks awesome!!
Try it, it's addicting! Go to http://www.circle of crafters.com to get started.
Wow, that apple is amazing!
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